natalie kawai, conversations with mother goddess, honolulu author, speaker, hawaii

The subconscious layer is what is left for us to investigate. It is the place where the Will has been held hostage for ever, a place where the ultimate and secret codes of our freedom are entrapped; it is where we have to go now to claim our full presence, our full power.


For the past twelve years, I have focused all my attention and work on the recovery of the Will in myself and my clients. With this abundant practice, having founded a powerful technique: LST™ —Light Speed Transmutation, I became a master detective of the subconscious. I can effectively dislodge and transmute all that is in the way of anyone dedicated to unfolding his or her truth 100 percent. Thanks to my direct communication with Great Mother, I can crack the codes of the subconscious layers and penetrate into the attachments coming from our early time of creation.


We have achieved amazing results in terms of self-realization and fulfillment as human-beings. We have healed all issues of lack, whether in self-esteem, in love, or in material support. We live forever loved and secure by all of life.


I am delighted to offer: “Your Shift to New Consciousness” - A program that will transmute all that stands in the way of your total self-realization. It is designed for anyone who wants to recover their self 100 percent, and more specifically for all coaches and healers who want fully to be, in order to do their work even more effectively.


If you want to find everlasting peace and natural radiance in your life, touch the high spheres of deep fulfillment, be animated by a heart pulsing with energy, and vibrate love with a natural and ultimate message, this program is for you…


If you want to change the parameters of life, live in the delightful and palpitating breath of life, and emanate the best feelings out in a continuum, this program is for you…


If you want to live in the deepest harmony with all the cells of your body, at one with all beings on Earth, feeling your pulse within and exuding well-being, this program is for you…


If from deep within, you feel propelled to help the planet transform from its core out, this program is for you…


If you are an Author, a Speaker, a Coach, a Healer and want to have maximum impact in the world, changing people’s lives deeply, this program is for you…


Self-realization is the magic wand that we all wish we had to transform our lives and the world. Let’s establish the kingdom of Source within to the confines of Earth now!



Natalie Kawai



contact Natalie at

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