natalie kawai, conversations with mother goddess, honolulu author, speaker, hawaii

Whether your audience is ten or ten thousand, In North America, the Pacific Region, or abroad, Natalie Kawai will deliver a tailer-made message of inspiration and motivation for your event. She will convey her enthusiasm and passion for the improvement of our lives and the evolution of the consciousness on planet Earth.


She will share her profound experience of talking to the Great Mother of Creation and deliver precious information to your audience. So that together, we can prepare The New Era now opening.


People are hungry to learn how they can improve their lives, be happier, fulfill their dreams, and on a larger scale participate in the improvement of humanity globally, since we are all at one. Natalie will explain what we can do to achieve these big purposes as human beings now on Earth. Please contact Natalie to schedule a complimentary pre-speech phone interview and check her availability:

contact Natalie at

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photo credit: Robyn Ocepek